Frequently Asked Questions

How do you track orders?
We have a smart tracking link that tracks anyone who clicks on the link for 14 days and anyone who orders from your link on those 14 days after first click you will get commission for it
Is registration open for everyone?
Yes, everyone can register. However, there would be an approval process and you have to wait until approved.
How much I will get paid?
We have different levels of payouts. It starts at 3% and it can advance up to 12%. To advance to higher levels you need to show high sales and traffic to our website. When we see a good affiliate, our team will upgrade the commission level for you.
What is the minimum payout?
In order for us to pay you, you need to reach the threshold, which is 80 BD or 800 Riyals.
How do you transfer the payment?
We will pay you through Paypal or Bank transfer.
I have pending payments and its not approved yet?
You only get paid after the order has been successfully paid or delivered.
Can I get products to review?
Yes, we can give items for you to review and promote your link. However, it all depends on certain factors such as: 1- Account size 2- Products required to review 3- Posts